8. desember vil seniorpartner Tom Savigar i The Future Laboratory gi oss et innblikk i deres omfattende analysearbeid. Presentasjonen tar utgangspunkt i globale utviklingstrekk og hvordan disse vil påvirke Norge i fremtiden.
0900 Introduction
0915 life futures presentation
0950 life futures discussion
1015 break
1035 work futures presentation
1110 work futures discussion
1130 mingle/light lunch
Life Futures: this presentation will discuss the changing nature people, lifestyles and consumer demands and how you can be prepared for emerging sectors and abilities in order to better grow into new growth economies
Work Futures: This presentation will discuss the future of job security and tenure, wellness in the workplace, career motivation and flexibility, retention through new forms of value and remuneration, and how many of the other basic assumptions about how, where and why we work will be challenged, and in many cases, rejected over the coming decade.